On King of Reach, you have two simple options to access all your order's transport information, ensuring you can easily find what you need.
My Orders page
After signing in to your account, you can go to the "My Orders" page under "My Account". Here, you will find all the details about your shipments, including order history, and downloadable transport documents.
My Dashboard
Alternatively, you can access the same information via "My Dashboard", which serves as your personalized hub.
What information is available on both platforms?
- Invoices
- Packing list
- Customs documents if applicable:
- COO (Certificate Of Origin)
- CMR (not applicable for sea freight)
- Bill of Lading
- Health statement
- WU (Customs)
- EMCS documents
- NCTS documents
- AGS documents
- VWA statement
- Phyto
What if I encounter issues accessing my transport information?
If you are having trouble accessing your transport information, please contact our customer support team at info@kingofreach.com or your account manager.